Psychological Counseling

The Psychological Counseling for cardiovascular prevention is a service that helps patients to:
  • deal with the psychological difficulties associated with a stressful period
  • lead a healthy lifestyle

This counseling aims to reduce cardiovascular risk by promoting the adoption of healthy behaviors and, therefore, the reduction of:

  • behaviors that constitute risk factors: unhealthy eating habits that cause dyslipidemia, overweight/obesity, alcohol abuse, smoking habits, sedentary lifestyle
  • risk factors in which behavioral expression is the subject of evaluation and intervention (diabetes, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia)

The Psychological Counseling has no contraindications.

The Psychological Counseling has no risks.

Psychological counseling execution does not include preparation rules.

The psychological counseling is an interview during which the psychologist collects the question that led the patient to request the counseling and formulates a treatment plan.

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