ProKardia against COVID-19

To ensure the well-being of our community members, ProKardia adopts protective measures both by adhering to hygienic and health guidelines but also by adhering to a health care innovation plan that is expressed in the digitalisation and in a profuse research activity in this sector.

prokardia Fight
In Prokardia there is an healthcare area to patients with previous COVID-19 or suggestive symptoms.
We, also, fight COVID-19 with the help of telemedicine, which supplements the clinical activity.
Become part of our network to break down distances and treat you safely.

Rules for accompanying persons

Green Pass Accompagnatori
The final version of Decree Law of 22 April 2021, n. 52, with effect from 15 October 2021, requires that accompanying persons have and exhibit the Green Pass for appropriate checks.
The absence or invalidity of the Green Pass will prevent the accompanying person from entering.

Evitare Accompagnatori
Accompaniment to healthcare visits/exams is allowed only for the disabled, minors and frail non self-sufficient users.

Do your part responsibly:

Interpersonal distance of 1 meter must always be maintained.
Indossa la mascherina
Always wear a mask. The mask with a filtered valve is not allowed and must be covered with a surgical mask.
Misura la temperatura
Check the etemperature at the entrance. If the temperature exceeds 37.5°C, entry will be denied.
sintomi influenzali
If you have flu symptoms reschedule your appointment.
Presentarsi in orario
Please arrive no more than 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time.
Igienizza le mani
Sanitize your hands frequently, even if you are wearing gloves.